Tips and Tricks

Berries with Celia's Balsamic Vinegar

FRUITS Views: 789 Created: Dec 26, 2019
Berries with Celia's Balsamic Vinegar
  • Serves: People
  • Prep Time:
  • Cooking:
  • Calories:
  • Difficulty: easy

Berries with Celia's Balsamic Vinegar



  1. Prepare berries, rinse and layout all berries on a paper towel. Slightly pat dry, but be careful not to crush the berries. Place all of the berries in a medium bowl and gently stir to distributed berries evenly.
  2. Divide the biscotti pieces into 4 bowls. Spoon the berries into the bowls, reserving 4 strawberries for garnish. Pour your favorite flavor of Balsamic Vinegar over the berries and top with a dollop of mascarpone. Garnish with a single berry on top of the mascarpone. Serve immediately

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